The following details a series of site visits conducted within the city of Toronto mainly between May of 2007, and April of 2014 (with supplemental photography, in certain cases, provided some years before and after these dates). As such, many of the sites examined herein may no longer appear as depicted or described.

Moreover, since the method of survey employed at these sites was predominantly of a cursory and informal nature — with measurements, coordinates, and other specifics based largely on estimates or approximation (and, occasionally, on nothing but later recollections) — much of the information presented henceforth should be deemed as less than exacting to begin with.

This amateur's approach has also carried over into the research and analysis portion of the text. The author, claiming no expertise in any of the fields discussed, admits only to a speculative engagement with the evidence at large, and a passing familiarity with the resources at hand. Thus, let the reader be forewarned that while everything which follows might be roughly factual, none of it, in the end, may be actually true.